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Filter Json File dengan Jq Command

File example.json yang berbentuk json array berikut contoh: [     {         "CompetitorID": 1,         "Name": "John Doe",         "Score": 85     },     {         "CompetitorID": 2,         "Name": "Jane Smith",         "Score": 92     },     {         "CompetitorID": 3,         "Name": "Alice Johnson",         "Score": 78     },     {         "CompetitorID": 4,         "Name": "Bob Wilson",         "Score": 91     },     {         "CompetitorID": 5,         "Name": "Eve Brown",         "Score": 89     } ] Filter yang score nya diatas 80 jq '.[] | select(.Score > 80)' your_data.json Output: jq '.[] | select(.Score > 80)' example.json   {   "CompetitorID" : 1 ,   "Name" : "John Doe" ,   "Score" : 85 } {   "CompetitorID"

Install Terraform in the Amazon EC2 Linux

Install yum-config-manager to manage the repositories.  sudo yum install -y yum-utils Use yum-config-manager to add the official HashiCorp Linux repository.  sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo  Install the terraform package sudo yum -y install terraform That's it.

Repository Debian 9

Repository adalah koleksi software yang berisi bermacam-macam paket yang mendukung suatu sistem operasi. Repository biasanya dikenal di dunia Linux yang memiliki banyak software opensource yang disatukan, software-software dikumpulkan dan diletakkan di server kemudian terbentuklah repository yang mempunyai alamat, berikut adalah repository debian 9 Repository Kambing UI deb stretch main contrib non-free deb stretch-updates main contrib non-free deb stretch/updates main contrib non-free Repository Kebo VLSM deb stretch main contrib non-free deb stretch-updates main contrib non-free deb stretch/updates main contrib non-free Repository Data Utama deb stretch main contrib non-free deb http://kartolo.sby.datautam