Im this tutorial we simply configured redis locally through docker. We can easily configure it with the command below. $ docker pull redis:latest $ docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --name session_storage redis:latest We can check the status of the redis container by entering the command below. $ docker ps CONTAINER ID Below is a simple web application that uses Python flask to store and retrieve information in sessions. import redis from flask import * from flask_session import Session app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = 'Skills39Test' app.config['SESSION_TYPE'] = 'redis' app.config['SESSION_PERMANENT'] = False app.config['SESSION_USE_SIGNER'] = True app.config['SESSION_REDIS'] = redis.from_url('redis://localhost:6379') server_session = Session(app) @app.route('/info', methods=['GET','POST']) def set(): if request.method == 'GET': username = session['username'] ...
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