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Showing posts from June, 2023

Ke Mall Juni Journal

Iseng padahal cuma mau beli Rinso dan Teh rasa misal lemon, sebelum itu jalan kaki makan malam dulu pakai nasi arab dan ayam dan teh arab, hujan nunggu reda bentar dan pesan ojek online sampai di mall, seperti biasa kalau ke mall mampir ke gramedia sambil liat liat buku akhirnya setelah baca baca ketemu buku investasi lagi dan beli. Dan terakhir baru ke supermaket salah satu brand di mall itu beli Rinso cair, teh lemon, tisu, dan roti kering, Yeah itu aja journal nya haha,  Semoga dengan teh dan buku bisa terus belajar. Ooh ya ada journal random ini Waktu di supermarker liat cewek cantik pakai tes biru dan sepatu strip pink baju cream dan celana jeans biru. Pada waktu itu 21.30an antrian di mall dia beli roti dan energen satu lagi lupa. Pingin kenalan padahal tapi bingung momentumnya. Sempet liat di lantai 1 eh ketemu di supermarket.

How to create a NAT gateway in the Google Cloud

   One of the interesting topics of the network is NAT which NAT can gives access to the client/server with local network to the internet, in other hand without exposing internal client/server directly to the internet, its very useful right. So without further lets check it out this command: Create Router gcloud compute routers create cloudnat-us-central1 --project= essential-graph-385114 --region= us-central1 --network= vpc2023 and then crate NAT via this menu Previously I had instance inside the vpc2023 without the external public IP.  its very easy right, with the above command we can give the access to the server inside vpc2023 in the region us-central1, please change the project, vpc name, region according to your environment. Thats't thank you.  Additional information: Cloud NAT is a distributed, software-defined managed service. It's not based on proxy VMs or appliances. Cloud NAT configures the  Andromeda software  that powers your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network

Migrate instance in autoscaling group to another subnet microservices with consul

To migrate an instance from one subnet to another subnet without downtime while using Auto Scaling and an Application Load Balancer (ALB), you can follow these steps: Create the target subnet : Set up the new subnet where you want to migrate your instance. Ensure that the subnet has the necessary configurations and resources required for your instance. Prepare the target instance : Launch a new instance in the target subnet with the desired configuration and AMI. This instance will be used as the replacement for the instance in the source subnet. Attach the target instance to the Auto Scaling group : Add the target instance to the Auto Scaling group that manages your existing instances. This ensures that the new instance is automatically managed by the Auto Scaling group and is part of the fleet. Configure the target instance : Set up the target instance to match the configuration of the existing instance. This may involve installing the necessary software, libraries, and configuration

Just notes for DMZ Design for Server in AWS Cloud from ChatGPT

Determine your network architecture : Start by understanding your network requirements and designing the overall network architecture in AWS. This can include the use of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), subnets, and security groups. Create a VPC : Begin by creating a VPC in AWS to provide a logically isolated section of the cloud where you can launch your resources. Define the IP address range for your VPC based on your needs. Configure subnets : Divide your VPC into subnets to separate different components of your network. Create at least three subnets: one for the internet-facing zone, one for the DMZ, and one for the internal zone. Set up internet gateway : Attach an internet gateway to your VPC to allow communication between your VPC and the internet. This enables your internet-facing zone to receive incoming traffic. Deploy BAGUSSADMZSRV instance in the DMZ subnet : Launch the BAGUSSADMZSRV instance in the DMZ subnet. This subnet should be placed between the internet-facing subnet and

Lambda Role Permission and Trust Policy for Assume role

Example Account:   1234567890 Role name: LambdaIAMRoleEC2Scanner Lambda Function name:  ec2ScannerNewNew Questions: why still error An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the AssumeRole operation: User: arn:aws:sts::1234567890:assumed-role/LambdaIAMRoleEC2Scanner/ec2ScannerNewNew is not authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole on resource: arn:aws:iam:: 1234567890 :role/LambdaIAMRoleEC2Scanner I already put on lambda role with permission. Answer: Based on the error message you provided, it appears that the IAM user or role "arn:aws:sts:: 1234567890 :assumed-role/LambdaIAMRoleEC2 Scanner /ec2ScannerNewNew" does not have the necessary permissions to assume the role "arn:aws:iam:: 1234567890 :role/LambdaIAMRoleEC2 Scanner ". To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the IAM user or role has the appropriate permissions to assume the role. Here are the steps you can take: Check the trust policy of the role "LambdaIAMRoleEC2 Scanner ": Go to the IAM ser