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How to create a NAT gateway in the Google Cloud

   One of the interesting topics of the network is NAT which NAT can gives access to the client/server with local network to the internet, in other hand without exposing internal client/server directly to the internet, its very useful right. So without further lets check it out this command:

Create Router

gcloud compute routers create cloudnat-us-central1 --project=essential-graph-385114 --region=us-central1 --network=vpc2023

and then crate NAT via this menu

Previously I had instance inside the vpc2023 without the external public IP. 

its very easy right, with the above command we can give the access to the server inside vpc2023 in the region us-central1, please change the project, vpc name, region according to your environment.

Thats't thank you. 

Additional information:

Cloud NAT is a distributed, software-defined managed service. It's not based on proxy VMs or appliances. Cloud NAT configures the Andromeda software that powers your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network so that it provides source network address translation (source NAT or SNAT) for VMs without external IP addresses. Cloud NAT also provides destination network address translation (destination NAT or DNAT) for established inbound response packets.

Traditional NAT versus Cloud NAT (click to enlarge).
Traditional NAT versus Cloud NAT (click to enlarge)

Cloud NAT implements outbound NAT in conjunction with static routes in your VPC network whose next hops are the default internet gateway. In a basic configuration, a default route in your VPC network meets this requirement.

Cloud NAT does not implement unsolicited inbound connections from the internet. DNAT is only performed for packets that arrive as responses to outbound packets.


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