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System troubleshooting investigation checklist


  • Check nodes total, be familiar with the environment (connection flow, device/software naming).
  • Check resources via monitoring command and monitoring graph.
  • Check network & port connection, check the firewall.
  • Check variable, naming, username, hostname, domain name.
  • Check Linux processes.
  • Check installation guideline/steps, operation procedures.
  • Check speed (network, disk i/o, CPU, memory).
  • Check log messages.
  • Check software dependency (library).
  • Check software environment (Linux environment)/virtual environment.
  • Check user, file & directory permission.
  • Check, coordinate and communicate with colleagues, supervisor, and 3rd party.
  • Check user and vendor.
  • Check notes.
  • Check history.
  • Check and crosscheck with other information.
  • Check browser inspection.
  • Check limitation(DB connection, java max connection, kernel max connection, etc).
  • Check and run the app in debug mode.
  • Check and compare with another environment, another end client.
  • Check how many CPU Core
  • Check Java Code CPU max, consume CPU detail, is CPU enough, be economical.
  • Check Rabbitmq/message queue process.
  • Check is VM Host CPU is slow.
  • Check is Disk limited by the provider.
  • Check developer's code
  • Check with system benchmark on the idle process or reboot first.


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